C. Book of Mormon

Title Page (para 1,2)

Book of Mormon to convince the Jew and the gentile about Jesus Christ; Written by way of commandment; and to show the House of Israel what great things God has done for their fathers

Introduction (para 1,3,6,8) – It is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible; It is the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints); We invite all men, everywhere, to read, ponder and ask God

Introduction: The Testimony of Three Witnesses – An angel brought the plates which we saw and beheld the engravings on them (Note: All three witnesses left the church but never recanted their testimonies)

Introduction:  The Testimony of Eight Witnesses – We saw & handled the plates and the engravings on the plates

(1 Nephi)

  • Born of goodly parents; Great knowledge of mysteries of God; Seen many afflictions. (1 Nephi 1:1)
  • Pray for others because of your calling. (1 Nephi 1:5)
  • Filled with spirit as we read scriptures. (1 Nephi 1:11-12) (Search: *Scriptures)
  • Because you are merciful, you’ll not allow those who repent to suffer or be destroyed. (1 Nephi 1:14)
  • Jews mocked Lehi & sought to kill him; He testified of their wickedness & abominations. (1 Nephi 1:18-20)
  • Tender mercies of the Lord over all those whom he hath chosen; The Lord makes the mighty, even unto the power of deliverance; Chosen of the Lord because of your faith. (1 Nephi 1:20)
  • Leave the things of the world; Lehi left his house, his gold & silver, his precious things. (1 Nephi 2:4)
  • Laman & Lemuel did murmur against their father because they knew not God; Sought to take away the life of their father, Lehi. (1 Nephi 2:12-13)
  • Lehi spoke with power, being filled with the Spirit & their frames did shake; They were confounded but continued in their wickedness. (1 Nephi 2:14) (Search: *Wicked)
  • Lehi had gold, silver, servants and lands but he dwelt in a tent .(1 Nephi 2:15) (Note: Could you leave everything behind?)
  • Nephi’s heart softened by prayer; God softens hearts. (1 Nephi 2:16) (Search: *Soften)
  • Keep commandments & prosper. (1 Nephi 2:20)
  • Thou shalt be favored of the Lord for not murmuring. (1 Nephi 3:6)
  • I will go and do; and was promised that the Lord would assist him as he obeyed the commandments. (1 Nephi 3:7) (Search: *Do, *Sem)
  • An oath to do God’s will; We will not return until we have accomplished the thing the Lord hath commanded us. (1 Nephi 3:15)
  • Lord mightier than Laban’s 50 or even his tens of thousands. (1 Nephi 4:1)
  • Nephi was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do. (1 Nephi 4:6) (Note: We do not always have to know where we are headed before starting on a task for the Lord)
  • Mode of revelation: Unsure, Spirit speaks, scripture comes to mind, reasoning, action. (1 Nephi 4:10-18) (Search: *Revelation)
  • We’re all expendable. (1 Nephi 4:13)
  • Power of an oath. (1 Ne 4:28-30, 32-33, 35)
  • Lehi’s tent is a Temple. (1 Ne 5:7, 9; 7:22; 9:1; 10:16; 16:10) (Search: *Temple)
  • Sacrifice and Thanks for blessing. (1 Nephi 5:9) (Note: Grace after meals)
  • Lehi reads the Scriptures with excitement. (1 Nephi 5:9-10) (Note: Oh, that we had this passion about God’s word.) (Search: *Scriptures)
  • The scriptures have what we need to teach our children. (1 Nephi 5:21)
  • The fullness of my intent is to convince people to come unto God and be saved. (1 Nephi 6:4)
  • Say what’s pleasing to God, not what’s pleasing to man. (1 Nephi 6:5) (See also 2 Nephi 8:7)
  • The gospel intent is to persuade men to come unto Christ. (1 Nephi 6:4-5) (Note: Don’t discuss things pleasing to the world.)
  • “How is it that ye have forgotten what great things the Lord hath done for us…?” (1 Nephi 7:11) (Note: We all too often forget these!) (Search: *Remember)
  • Don’t forget that the Lord is able to do all things if we are faithful. (1 Nephi 7:12)
  • Gratitude expressed. (1 Nephi 7:22) (Note: Grace after meals)
  • The Lord has a wise purpose for what He commands us & for what He sends us through. (1 Nephi 8:8) (Note: A purpose we know not! Trust Him!)
  • The vision of the Tree of Life to Nephi. (1 Nephi 8:9) (Note: After he had prayed unto the Lord)
  • The gospel will make one truly happy; The fruit (the love of God) was the sweetest Nephi had ever tasted. (1 Nephi 8:10-1)
  • Great & Spacious Building mocks; Finely dressed. (1 Nephi 8:26-28) (Note: It is not enough to accept the gospel, one must ignore the scoffers too) (See also 1 Nephi 8:33-34)
  • Great was the multitude and they did point the finger of scorn, but we heeded them not. (1 Nephi 8:33) (Search: *DP2)
  • God has a purpose in his commands, but we can’t see that; God prepares a way to accomplish all his works. (1 Nephi 9:5-6)
  • The Messiah is the message. (1 Nephi 10:4-5)
  • We’re all lost and fallen and will remain such without Christ. (1 Nephi 10:6)
  • Seek diligently for mysteries and they will be revealed by the Holy Ghost. (1 Nephi 10:19) (Search: *Mysteries)
  • Remember, thou shalt be judged. (1 Nephi 10:20)
  • The Holy Ghost giveth authority that I should speak these things. (1 Nephi 10:22) (Note: In other words, it causes people to feel of my authority through my inspired and powerful words.)
  • Nephi’s revelation. (1 Nephi 11:1) (Note: To get revelation Nephi had to (1) desire it, (2) believe it was possible, (3) ponder, and (4) get himself to the “mountain” of the Lord’s House [i.e., the Holy Temple]. – So it is with us) (Search: *Revelation)
  • Revelation came after he sat, pondering in his heart. (1 Nephi 11:1-6) (Search: *Ponder)
  • Knowest the condensation of God? I do not know the meaning of all things. (1 Nephi 11:16-17) (Note: It’s ok, to not know an answer to a question; neither did Nephi) (Search: *Ask)
  • Christ is the manifestation of God’s love for mankind. (1 Nephi 11:21-23) (Note: That love is the most desirable above all things! And it is the most joyous to the soul) (See also 1 Nephi 11:25 – Christ & Spirit are the Love of God)
  • The rod of iron was the word of God; The living waters & the tree of life represent the love of God. (1 Nephi 11:25)
  • Mists of darkness cover the promised land and these mists are the temptations of the devil. (1 Nephi 12:4, 17, 19) (Note: Pride and giving into temptation bring destruction) (Search: *Pride)
  • Because of their faith in the Lamb, their garments are made white. (1 Nephi 12:10)
  • The foundation of the devil is vain imaginations and the pride of men. (1 Nephi 12:18) (Search: *Devil, *Pride)
  • Great and Abominable Church. (1 Nephi Chapter13) (Note: See V:26-27 is “they” not “it”)
  • Spirit of God brought Columbus & pilgrims to the Americas. (1 Nephi 13:12-15)
  • “They” pervert so they can blind you and harden your heart. (1 Nephi 13:27)
  • Blessed are those who seek to bring forth Zion. They will have the Spirit & will be saved. (1 Nephi 13:37)
  • The pit you dig for others will be the pit you fall into; some philosophies are Satanic.(1 Nephi 14:3) (Note: Eloquence and reason are not enough to substantiate a doctrine)
  • There are only 2 Churches; The devil’s “churches/ideas/movements” will be powerful and widespread. (1 Nephi 14:10-11) (Note: Which are you a member of?)
  • Church of the Lamb of God were few in number. (1 Nephi 14:12-13) (Search: *Few)
  • There are only 2 Churches – God’s and the Devils! (1 Nephi 14:14) (Note: Does this mean Mormonism and non-Mormonism? Or does it mean holiness and non-holiness?)
  • The revelations of John, the apostle, are true; They were plain & pure, and easy to understand when they were written. (1 Nephi 14:23)
  • Sometimes prophets are commanded to not write things they see. (1 Nephi 14:25) (Search: *DP2)
  • The things which I (Nephi) have written are true. (1 Nephi 14:30) (Note: He did not write all that he saw)
  • Being hard in their hearts they did not look unto the Lord as they ought to. (1 Nephi 15:3)
  • Know by believing, asking & diligence; Keep commandments for answers to prayers (1 Nephi 15:11) (Search: *Prayer, *Do)
  • Abrahamic covenant to be fulfilled in the latter days (all the earth to be blessed). (1 Nephi 15:18)
  • Harken to the Word of God and you’ll not perish and you’ll not be overcome by temptation or the adversary. (1 Nephi 15:23-24)
  • No uncleanness in kingdom of God. (1 Nephi 15:34)
  • The guilty take the truth to be hard. (1 Nephi 16:1-4) (Note: So keep God’s commandments)
  • Provisions, which the Lord has given us. (1 Nephi 16:11)
  • By small means…great things. (1 Nephi 16:29)
  • Liahona leads to Mountain of the Lord. (1 Nephi 16:30) (Note: As does Prophet & Spirit)
  • If we keep the commandments, He will nourish us and allow us to succeed. (1 Nephi 17:2-3) (Search: *DP1, *Suffering)
  • Go unto the mount (Temple) often and the Lord will show you great things. (1 Nephi 17:3) (Search: *Temple)
  • Nephi commanded to go to mountain/temple; told to build a ship after the Lord’s manner. (1 Nephi 17:7-8) (Search: *DP2, *Temple)
  • Faith needed for Lord to bless us. (1 Nephi 17:12) (Note: The Lord can do all things if we exercise faith) (Search: *Faith)
  • Wicked make false statements – i.e., the Jews were righteous. (1 Nephi 17:21-22) (Note: Jerusalem conquered 8 years later) (Search: *Wicked)
  • Keep commandments & God will provide. (1 Nephi 17:23)
  • The Lord esteems all flesh as one (loves everyone); but favors the righteous. (1 Nephi 17:35) (Search: *DP1)
  • The earth was made to be inhabited by man. (1 Nephi 17:36)
  • God loves that we seek after him; He loves those who want him to be their God. (1 Nephi 17:40)
  • God sent the trial, but then sends the way out – and the way was simple. (1 Nephi 17:41) (Search: *Trials)
  • The wicked are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God; He hath spoken unto you by a still small voice; then by a voice of thunder. (1 Nephi 17:45)
  • Nephi was full of the spirit of God, insomuch that his frame had no strength. (1 Nephi 17:47)
  • If God commanded me to do all things, I could do them; could change the water to earth. (1 Nephi 17:50)
  • Pray often in the mountain. (1 Nephi 18:3) (Note: Go to the Lord and to the temple often for revelation). (Search: *DP2, *Prayer, *Revelation, *Temple)
  •  Our sins affect not just us, but other people too; Faithful suffer so Lord can show forth power; Wicked forget miracles. (1 Nephi 18:9-21) (Search: *DP2, *Miracles, *Sin, *Suffering, *Wicked)
  • Go to Mountain often & Lord will show great things. (1 Nephi 18:30)
  • For a wise purpose. (1 Nephi 19:3) (See also Isaiah 55:8-9).
  • Some value things of God, some don’t. (1 Nephi 19:7)
  • Liken the scriptures so they can profit you & so you’ll have hope. (1 Nephi 19:23-24) (Search: *DP2, *Scriptures).
  • Men set at naught & trample under-foot the things of most value to their body & soul. (1 Nephi 20:2)
  • God chooses us in the furnace of affliction. (1 Nephi 20:10)
  • Keep the commandments & have peace & strength. (1 Nephi 20:18)
  • No peace for the wicked. (1 Nephi 20:2)
  • Wicked pastors cause the people to be scattered from the Church. (1 Nephi 21:1)
  • We are to bring His salvation to the world; Glorify God & be His light to the non-covenant people. (1 Nephi 21:3, 6)
  • The Lord hath comforted His people & will have mercy on the afflicted. (1 Nephi 21:13)
  • Christ has us on His palms & watches over our homes. (1 Nephi 21:16)
  • God will contend with our enemies on our behalf. (1 Nephi 21:25)
  • He will preserve the righteous by his power, even destroying their enemies by fire. (1 Nephi 22:17)
  • Satan has no power over the righteous. (1 Nephi 22:26)

(2 Nephi)

  • This is a chosen & protected land. (2 Nephi 1:5-9) (Note: verses 10-11 – but not if the people reject God).
  • Freedom Thesis. (2 Nephi 1:20) (See also 2 Nephi 2:27).
  • Seek not power over them, but seek their eternal welfare. (2 Nephi 1:25)
  • God turns trials to gain; Consecrate thine afflictions. (2 Nephi 2:2) (Search: *DP1, *Suffering, *Trials)
  • Blessed are those who behold his glory in their youth. (2 Nephi 2:4)
  • Salvation is free through Christ. (2 Nephi 2:5-6) (Search: *Salvation)
  • Need to break our wills in order to access the Atonement; Christ atones only for righteous. (2 Nephi 2:7)
  • No flesh can dwell in the presence of God save it be through the grace of Christ; Christ rose from the dead by the power of the Spirit. (2 Nephi 2:8)
  • Opposition in all things. (2 Nephi 2:11) (Note: but you don’t have to be or promote the negative choice)
  • To bring about God’s eternal purposes there must be opposition. “Men are that they might have joy.” (2 Nephi 2:15, 25, 27) (Note: But there is no promise of joy in mortality. However you can choose liberty (and thus happiness) or misery (which is what Satan wants for us)
  • Adam fell that men might be; men are that they might have joy. (2 Nephi 2:25) (Search: *Sem)
  • Man is redeemed from the fall and becomes free forever to act for themselves, and not to be acted upon. (2 Nephi 2:26)
  • Men are free to choose liberty and life or death. (2 Nephi 2:27) (Search: *Sem)
  • There is no other object behind commandments than the welfare of our souls. (2 Nephi 2:30)
  • Only do what God would have you do. (2 Nephi 3:8)
  • Joseph Smith prophesied about by Joseph of old; Book of Mormon with the bible shall confound false doctrines. (2 Nephi 3:11-16)
  • Hearken unto Book of Mormon & be preserved. (2 Nephi 3:23)
  • My soul delights in the things of the Lord & ponders continually. (2 Nephi 4:15-16)
  • God has filled me with His love even unto the consuming of my flesh. (2 Nephi 4:17-21)
  • Don’t droop in sin; Do not slacken my strength because of mine afflictions. (2 Nephi 4:28-29)
  • Make me to shake at the appearance of sin; Hell is shut to me because my heart is broken and my spirit contrite; I can escape my enemies. (2 Nephi 4:30-33)
  • Make me shake at appearance of sin. (2 Nephi 4:31) (Search: *Sin)
  • The gates of hell lose power when your heart is broken. (2 Nephi 4:3)
  • Trust God, not man/flesh. (2 Nephi 4:34-35)
  • Avoid welfare assistance. (2 Nephi 5:17)
  • Wicked become like flint & harden their hearts against God; God uses the wicked to stir up the righteous to repentance. (2 Nephi 5:20-25)
  • Live after the manner of happiness. (2 Nephi 5:27)
  • The people of the Lord are those who wait for Him. (2 Nephi 6:13)
  • God doesn’t reject us – we reject Him. (2 Nephi 7:1)
  • Messiah has the wisdom we need. (2 Nephi 7:4) (Note: He can give that to priesthood leaders too)
  • God will comfort Zion & make her wilderness (trials) like Eden (paradise). (2 Nephi 8:3) (Note: Joy and gladness shall be found therein (i.e., in our trials). He can do this for me and you!)
  • Fear not the reproach of men or their revilings. (2 Nephi 8:7)
  • Death comes to all men to fulfill the merciful plan of the Creator. (2 Nephi 9:6) (Search: *Death)
  • Atonement overcomes Satan; if no resurrection, we’d be subject to the devil; Satan nigh unto an angel of light and is the father of lies. (2 Nephi 9:7-9)
  • How great & good God is for preparing a way to escape death & hell. (2 Nephi 9:10)
  • The spirit and body shall be restored (resurrected) to itself again, to become incorruptible; All men shall become living souls, immortal and incorruptible. (2 Nephi 9:13) (Search: *Resurrection)
  • In the resurrection, we shall have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt & their enjoyment; All will be judged and they who are filthy, shall be filthy still. (2 Nephi 9:14-18)
  • He knoweth all things, & there is not anything save he knows it. (2 Nephi 9:19-20)
  • Christ suffereth the pains of all men, of every man, woman and child; He suffereth that the resurrection might pass upon all men. (2 Nephi 9:21-2) (Note: Although the resurrection is free to all men, it caused Christ suffering to accomplish) (Search: *DP2)
  • A wasted probation is awful; All are damned if not repent & baptized & endure; no law, no punishment. (2 Nephi 9:23-27)
  • Don’t assume you know better than God; Knowledge is good if God is first. (2 Nephi 9:28-29) (Search *Mind, *Sem)
  • To be carnally-minded is death; To be spiritually-minded is life. (2 Nephi 9:39)
  • Truth is hard to the wicked; The righteous fear not hard things, for they love the truth and are not shaken. (2 Nephi 9:40)
  • The way for man is narrow, but lieth in a straight course; Christ is the keeper of the gate and he cannot be deceived. (2 Nephi 9:41) (Search: *Do)
  • The wise, rich and learned need to become fools to be saved; Come to the depths of humility for salvation. (2 Nephi 9:42) (Search: *Humility)
  • If you fight against Zion you are part of the Great & Abominable Church. (2 Nephi 10:13, 16) (See also D&C 97:21- Zion pure, wicked mourn)
  • You’re free to choose death or life. (2 Nephi 10:23-2) (Note: So reconcile yourself to the will of God)
  • Praise God! (2 Nephi 10:25)
  • Nephi’s soul delighted in the words of Isaiah. (2 Nephi 11:2)
  • Jacob & Nephi saw the Lord; God sends witnesses (visitors, scriptures) to prove all his words. (2 Nephi 11:3) (Search: *Prove)
  • All things typify Christ. (2 Nephi 11:4)
  • Delight in God’s grace & mercy. (2 Nephi 11:5)
  • Nephi delighted in proving to his people that Christ should come or all perish. (2 Nephi 11:6)
  • Your countenance gives you away. (2 Nephi 13:9)
  • Evil for Good & Good for Evil. (2 Nephi 15:2)
  • Choose Christ or the World. (2 Nephi 18:6-7) (Search: *Choose, *Christ)
  • Jesus is a rock of offense. (2 Nephi 18:13-14)
  • I will wait upon the Lord; I will look for him. (2 Nephi 18:17)
  • Do not seek wizards, soothsayers, magicians or fortune-tellers to hear from the dead. (2 Nephi 18:19-20) (Search: *Satan)
  • Should an ax boast against Him that uses it? (2 Nephi 20:15)
  • Trust God, your strength and song … With joy draw water out of the wells of salvation. (2 Nephi 22:2-3) (Search: *Trust)
  • Speak plaining so people understand. (2 Nephi 25:4)
  • Persuade to believe in Christ; Do; Grace; Talk and rejoice in Christ. (2 Nephi 25: 23, 26) (Search: *Choose, *Christ, *Sem)
  • Believe in Christ – Grace! (2 Nephi 25:25-26) (Search: *Christ, *Grace)
  • Spirit won’t always strive with you. (2 Nephi 26:11) (Search: *TooLate)
  • Jews and Gentiles need to be convinced that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God. (2 Nephi 26:12-13)
  • Gentiles are prideful in their own understandings; They grind upon the poor. (2 Nephi 26:20) (Search: *Poor, *Pride)
  • Satan & his Flaxen Cord. (2 Nephi 26:22)
  • All God does is for our good. (2 Nephi 26:24) (Search: *DP2)
  • God commanded all to repent; salvation is free; Persuade men to repent. (2 Nephi 26:27)
  • False teachers and priestcrafts preach to get gain & praise not for the welfare of Zion. (2 Nephi 26:29)
  • Zion not $; if labor for money, you’ll perish. (2 Nephi 26:31)
  • Lord does not cause iniquities but invites all to come unto him (black, white, bond, free). (2 Nephi 26:33) (Search: *DP2)
  • Lord to visit with thunder & earthquake; all the earth drunken with iniquity. (2 Nephi 27:1-2)
  • Wickedness cannot satisfy you. (2 Nephi 27:3)
  • Sealed part of the Book of Mormon to be revealed by the Lord in his own due time; Sealed records revel all things from the foundation of the world to the end thereof. (2 Nephi 27:10-11)
  • Gospel is to repent, be baptized, be washed & sanctified; No unclean thing can enter his kingdom. (2 Nephi 27:19-22)
  • I am God, and I am a God of miracles; I work among the children of men according to their faith. (2 Nephi 27:23) (Search: *Miracles)
  • What manner of men ought ye to be? Even as I am; The twelve disciples to be judges of the Nephites. (2 Nephi 27:27)
  • Christ’s joy great because of the believers; Father rejoices; ask in Christ’s name & it will be given you. (2 Nephi 27:28-30)
  • Speak as the Spirit constrains you. (2 Nephi 28:1)
  • Vain and foolish doctrine to sin a little, take advantage of your neighbor’s words; Your works are in darkness and you hide from the counsels of God. (2 Nephi 28:7-9) (Search: *Sem)
  • Wise, learned, rich thrust to hell; They have all gone astray and pervert the ways of the Lord, save it be a few who are humble & even they do err. (2 Nephi 28:12-15)
  • The Lord will speedily destroy the wicked, when they are fully ripe in iniquity. (2 Nephi 28:16) (Note: The wicked will rail against pro-life, mothers in the home, chastity, service, etc.)
  • Satan will make men angry at truth. (2 Nephi 28:17-19)
  • The devil will stir the wicked up in anger against that which is good. (2 Nephi 28:20)
  • All is not well in Zion. (2 Nephi 28:21-22, 28) (Search: *Zion)
  • Woe be unto him that is at ease in Zion, who saith “All is well.” (2 Nephi 28:24-25) (*False, *Zion)
  • God gives wisdom and understanding a little at a time; Line upon line, precept upon precept; Unto him that receiveth, him will I give more. (2 Nephi 28:30) (Search: *DP2, *Growth)
  • “A Bible! A Bible!” (2 Nephi 29:3, 6-10) (Search: *Bible)
  • I speak unto the Jews, the Nephites, the lost tribes, & unto all nations; I truly covenanted with Abraham that I would remember his seed forever. (2 Nephi 29:12-14)
  • Lord covenants only with repentant; If gentiles repent, they become a covenant people; if the Jews repent not, they shall be cast off. (2 Nephi 30:2) (Search: *Covenant, *DP1)
  • The scales will fall off and the Lamanites become white and delightsome. (2 Nephi 30:6)
  • The Doctrine of Christ. (2 Nephi Chapter 31) (Search: *Doctrine)
  • God speaks to men in their own language, according to their understanding; He delights in plainness. (2 Nephi 31:3)
  • Christ was holy, but he humbleth himself before the Father; He witnesseth unto the Father that he would be obedient & keep his commandments. (2 Nephi 31:7) (Search: *Christ, *DP1, *Humility)
  • Be baptized like Christ was; Father commanded us to repent and be baptized so he can give us the Holy Ghost; The straitness of the path and the narrowness of the gate. (2 Nephi 31:10-12) (Note: “strait” and “narrow” are the same thing, Hebrew literary use of doubling a thought to emphasize it) (Search: *Baptism, *Few)
  • Nephi saw a vision of the Lord so that he would know what to teach us; Enter in by the gate of repentance and baptism; After baptism cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost. (2 Nephi 31:17-18)
  • Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, feasting on the word in order to endure to the end. (2 Nephi 31:19-20) (Search: *Endure, *Scriptures, *Sem)
  • Christ is the only true doctrine. (2 Nephi 31:21) (Search: *Doctrine, *DP2)
  • You can speak with the tongue of angels by the Holy Ghost; Feast on the words of Christ. (2 Nephi 32:3) (Search: *Scriptures, *Sem)
  • The Holy Ghost will show you all things what ye should do. (2 Nephi 32:5) (Search: *HolyGhost)
  • Broad ignorance and unbelief of mankind even when given them in plainness. (2 Nephi 32:7) *Search: *DP2, *Ignorant)
  • Pray before you act in the Lord’s name. (2 Nephi 32:8-9) (Search: *Prayer, *Sem)
  • Speak by the Holy Ghost & it will carry your message into the hearts of your hearers. (2 Nephi 33:1)
  • Many harden their hearts against the Holy Spirit; They cast many things away and esteem them as things of naught. (2 Nephi 33:2)
  • God will consecrate your prayers for the gain of others; The gospel speaks of Jesus & persuades men to believe on him & endure to the end. (2 Nephi 33:4) (Search: *Christ, *Prayers)
  • If you are angry at the words of the prophets you have the spirit of the devil. (2 Nephi 33:5) (Search: *Satan)
  • I glory in my Jesus for He redeemeth my soul from hell. (2 Nephi 33:6)
  • All ye ends of the world, hearken to the Book of Mormon and believe in Christ; If ye believe in Christ, ye will believe these words. (2 Nephi 33:10) (Search: *BM)
  • I pray that most of us, if not all, will be saved. (2 Nephi 33:12)


  • Faith & anxiety are required of us if we want to know the Lord’s will regarding our people. (Jacob 1:5)
  • We labor diligently to persuade our people to come unto Christ. (Jacob 1:7) (Note: So they won’t be destroyed)
  • Priesthood leaders must teach diligently so that they do not bear accountability for the people’s sins. (Jacob 1:19)
  • Rid garments of their sins by declaring the word of God unto them. (Jacob 2:2)
  • The pleasing word of God heals the wounded soul; The prophet must speak as the Lord commands him. (Jacob 2:7-9)
  • Rich are not superior to poor in the eyes of the Lord. (Jacob 2:11-1) (Search: *Riches)
  • Be free with your substance, and seek for the kingdom of God before you seek for riches. (Jacob 2:14-19)
  • One wife; Polygamy if commanded by the Lord; Polygamy to raise up seed unto the Lord. (Jacob 2:27, 30)
  • Relations outside of marriage abominable; Keep the Lord’s commandments or be cursed in the land. (Jacob 2:28-29) (Search: *Marriage)
  • The Lord will not allow the righteous prayers of the daughters to go unanswered; Whoredoms will be cursed even unto destruction. (Jacob 2:31-33) (Search: *Prayer)
  • Have broken your wives’ hearts with infidelity; Great condemnation for violating wives’ confidence. (Jacob 2:34-35)
  • God will console you in your afflictions & send justice upon those who seek your destruction. (Jacob 3:1)
  • Awake from the devil’s death; shake yourselves to repentance; loose yourselves from the pains of hell. (Jacob 3:11)
  • We have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy; Our faith becometh unshaken; We command in Jesus’ name, & the trees, the mountains, the waves obey us. (Jacob 4:6) (Search: *Miracles, *DP2)
  • God shows us our weakness so we’ll know it is by His grace that we have power to do miraculous things. (Jacob 4:7)
  • Despise not the revelations of God; How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of God; Man knows of the ways of God because he reveals it unto them. (Jacob 4:8-9)
  • Don’t counsel God but seek counsel from Him. (Jacob 4:10)
  • Be reconciled unto God through the atonement of Christ. (Jacob 4:11)
  • Prophesy to the understanding of men; These gospel things are manifested plainly unto us; Spirit speaks truth for our salvation. (Jacob 4:13)
  • Don’t look beyond the mark for things you can’t understand. That caused the Jews to fall. (Jacob 4:14)
  • Wicked hewn down & cast into the fire and destroyed. (Jacob 6:7)
  • Will ye reject the words spoken concerning Christ & deny his words? Ye will be brought to stand before God with awful guilt & shame. (Jacob 6:8-11)


  • The influence of a parent’s teaching on a “wayward” or “errant” youth. (Enos 1:1, 3)
  • Enos’ wrestle before God to receive a remission of sins; The words I had often heard my father speak, sunk deep into my heart. (Enos 1:2-3)
  • My soul hungered for a remission of my sins and I cried in mighty prayer; All the day long and into the night did I raise my voice high unto the heavens. (Enos 1:4-6) (Search: *DP2)
  • When we’ve truly repented, our concern become the welfare of others. (Enos 1:8-9)
  • Enos struggling in the spirit; The voice of the Lord came into my mind. (Enos 1:10)
  • Ask in faith, will receive; Enos cried unto the Lord continually. (Enos 1:15)
  • Sometimes you have to “scare” someone to provoke repentance! (Enos 1:23) (See also D&C 121:43)


  • Initiatory rites. (Jarom 1:3)
  • If you’re not stiff-necked, you’ll have revelations. (Jarom 1:4)


  • Not living up to your namesake. (Omni 1:2)
  • If you don’t keep the commandments you won’t prosper. (Omni 1:6)
  • Not taking serious or sacred your calling. (Omni 1:9)
  • Everything good comes from God. Everything evil comes from the devil. (Omni 1:25) (Note: Perhaps the Light of Christ explains this.)
  • Come unto Christ and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him; Continue in fasting and prayer; Endure to the end & as the Lord liveth, ye will be saved. (Omni 1:26) (Search: *Endure, *Fast, *Prayer)

(Words of Mormon)

  • If the people are stiff-necked the leaders have to speak with sharpness. (Words of Mormon 1:17)


  • Search the scriptures diligently. (Mosiah 1:7) (Search: *Scriptures)
  • Name never blotted out. (Mosiah 1:12) (Mosiah 5:7).
  • Serve others is serving God. (Mosiah 2:17) (Search: *DP2, *Sem, *Service)
  • Positive message about your nothingness; gaining love & forgiveness. (Mosiah 2:20-21; 4:11-12) (Search: *Nothing)
  • God preserves you from day to day, by lending you breath; All that he requires of you is to keep his commandments & he blesses & prospers you. (Mosiah 2:21-26) (Search: *Do, *DP2, *Blessings)
  • King Benjamin commanded to speak; Supported in his weakness. (Mosiah 2:30)
  • Eternally indebted to God to render to Him all you have and are. (Mosiah 2:34)
  • If you transgress & the spirit withdraws, you are in open rebellion against God; You will have a lively sense of his own guilt; Will feel guilt, pain and anguish; mercy has no claim on that man. (Mosiah 2:36-39) (Search: *DP2, *Guilt, *Mercy, *Sin)
  • Sin vs. Obedience; Blessed temporal & spiritual; Happy if keep the commandments. (Mosiah 2:40-41) (Search: *Blessings, *Sin)
  • Christ to suffer for the wickedness of his people; Blood cometh from every pore; He shall suffer temptations, pain, hunger, thirst, fatigue, more than man can suffer. (Mosiah 3:7) (Search: *Atonement, *DP2)
  • Christ is the only name through which salvation can come to men. (Mosiah 3:17) (Search: *Christ)
  • Become as a child; Salvation comes thru the atoning blood of Christ, the Lord.  (Mosiah 3:18)
  • Natural man an enemy to God; Be as a child (submissive, meek, humble, patient, loving) (Mosiah 3:19) (Search: *Child, *Sem)
  • The 20 marks of a true follower of Christ. (Mosiah Chapter 4)
  • Believe, repent, humble; See that ye do them. (Mosiah 4:9-10) (Search: *Believe, *Do, *DP2, *Works)
  • Remember your nothingness; Be humble, call on Lord daily. (Mosiah 4:11) (Search: *Humility, *Prayer)
  • Continue humble and you will be filled with the love of God; Retain the remission of your sins; You will grow in the knowledge of him that created you, that he is just and true. (Mosiah 4:12) (Search: *Growth)
  • Teach children to not fight nor quarrel; Teach your children to walk in truth and soberness, to love & serve one another. (Mosiah 4:14-15)
  • Give to the poor. Your substance is not yours. (Mosiah 4:16-18) (Search: *DP2, *Poor, *Welfare)
  • We are all beggars before God; God doth grant unto you whatsoever ye ask that is right. (Mosiah 4:19-21) (Search: *Prayer)
  • To receive a remission of your sins, take care of others and their needs. (Mosiah 4:26-27) (Search: *Forgiveness, *Sins, *Welfare
  • Watch your thoughts, words and deeds and keep the commandments to the end. (Mosiah 4:30) (Search: *Do, *Sem, *Thoughts)
  • The Spirit can change our hearts so that we no longer desire to do evil. (Mosiah 5:2) (Search: *Change)
  • Willing to enter into a covenant to do God’s will, all the remainder of our days. (Mosiah 5:5) (Search: *Covenant, *Endure)
  • Spiritually born, heart changed through faith on Christ’s name; Become the sons and daughters of Christ when ye enter into the covenant. (Mosiah 5:7) (Search: *Change)
  • If you don’t serve Him, and if He isn’t the focus of your desires, you can’t know Him; Retain the name written always in your hearts. (Mosiah 5:13) (Search: *Do, *Know, *Service)
  • Wickedness leads to captivity; Put trust in God and he will deliver you. (Mosiah 7:29) (Search: *Trust, *Wicked)
  • If we are transgressing, God will not succor us, but will keep us from prospering and cause us to stumble. (Mosiah 7:31-33)
  • We’re blind and desire to rule ourselves. We wish to be our own gods. The consequence is that we place ourselves in danger. We must cling to the bridegroom.  We flee from the shepherd and run ourselves into dangerous paths. (Mosiah 8:20-21)               
  • Smitten because of your slowness to remember God. (Mosiah 9:3)
  • Guard yourselves & your people from the enemy who wished to destroy you. (Mosiah 10:2)
  • Don’t complain when you are oppressed or called to suffer. (Mosiah 14:7)
  • The Passion of Christ. (Mosiah Chapter 14 and Isaiah Chapter 53)
  • Make your flesh subject to your spirit, like the Son is subject to the Father; The will of the Son was swallowed up in the will of the Father. (Mosiah 15:5, 7) (Search: *Christ, *DP2)
  • Baptismal covenant; Desire to come into the fold of God; Bear one another’s burdens, mourn, comfort; witness of God; saints joyful. (Mosiah 18:8-11) (Search: *Baptism, *Covenant, *DP1)
  • Sometimes the Lord eases our burdens but does not entirely remove our afflictions. (Mosiah 21:15)
  • Don’t esteem one man above another; No king. (Mosiah 23:7) (Search: *Equality)
  • Prayer answered after tribulation. (Mosiah 23:10) (Search: *DP1, *Prayer)
  • Trust no one to be your teacher except he be a man of God, keeping the commandments. (Mosiah 23:14)
  • The Lord tries our patience & our faith; Chastens his people; Put your trust in God. (Mosiah 23:21-23) (Search: *Chasten, *DP1, *Trials)
  • The Lord softened the hearts of the Lamanites. (Mosiah 28:28-29)
  • So great were their afflictions that they began to call upon God; Prayed in their hearts, the Lord knew their thoughts. (Mosiah 24:10-12) (Search: *DP2, *Prayer, *Thoughts)
  • God visits his people in their afflictions; The Lord eased (not removed) the burdens on the people of Alma. (Mosiah 24:14-16) (Search: *Adversity, *Burdens, *DP1)
  • Pour out your whole soul & God will answer. (Mosiah 26:13-14)
  • “Know God” (John 17:3) and you’ll merit a place at His right hand. (Mosiah 26:24)
  • As often as a person confesses and repents with sincerity of heart he can be forgiven. (Mosiah 26:19-30)
  • Pray without ceasing & give thanks in all things. (Mosiah 26:39)
  • Alma (Jr) born again, must become new creatures or cast off; All must be born again; Alma (Sr) fasted and prayed for 2 days. (Mosiah 27:23-27) (Search: *Fast, *New)
  • Alma (Jr) torment, soul racked with guilt, relief from hell’s everlasting burings. (Mosiah 27:28-29) (Search: *DP2, *Guilt, *Repentance)
  • The wicked at the time of judgment will quake, tremble, shrink. (Mosiah 27:31) (Search: *Judge, *Suffering, *Wicked)
  • Alma persecuted by the unbelievers with much tribulation, being smitten by them. (Mosiah 27:32) (Search: *Trials)
  • Wicked leaders corrupt and harm the people. (Mosiah Chapter 29)
  • When the majority choose iniquity, then the judgments of God will come. (Mosiah 29:27)


  • Preacher – to his hearer. (Alma 1:26)
  • Pray mightily and the Lord will strengthen you against your enemies. (Alma 2:28) (Note: Both physical and spiritual) (Search: *Prayer)
  • Amlicites marked themselves & brought down the curse of God. (Alma 3:4, 13, 18-19)
  • We receive the wages of him whom we obey. (Alma 3:27)
  • Effects of money on the Church and how members treat the poor & needy. (Alma 4:6, 8, 12) (Search: *DP2, *Poor, *Pride)
  • Wickedness of members hurt Church’s progress. (Alma 4:10)
  • Bearing down in “pure testimony” against the sins of the people to re-claim or save them; Pull down pride; Stir to remembrance of duty. (Alma 4:19) (Search: *Minister, *Remember)
  • One of the greatest blessings God can give us is to “awaken us” & “change our hearts.” (Alma 5:7, 9)
  • Have ye spiritually been born of God? Received his image in your countenance? Experienced a mighty change? (Alma 5:14) (Search: *DP1, *New, *Repent)
  • Soul filled with guilt, for defying the commandments of God; Felt remorse for his wickedness. (Alma 5:18) (Search: *Guilt, *Judge, *Wicked)
  • Feel redeemed now? sing song of redeeming love; Keep blameless; Ready to die in the Lord? (Alma 5:26-28) (Search: *Death, *DP2, *Redeemed)
  • Sufficiently humble? Stripped of pirde and envy? (Alma 5:27-29)
  • Know not when death shall come; Wo unto the unprepared who must repent or cannot be saved. (Alma 5:31) (Search: *Death, *TooLate)
  • The arms of mercy are extended to all men; Repent & I will receive you. (Alma 5:33) (Search: *Mercy, *Repentance)
  • Are you works good or evil? (Alma 5:40-42) (Search: *Do, *Good, *Works)
  • How leaders must speak to their people. (Alma 5:43)
  • I know Christ is the redeemer; How to gain a testimony: Fasted & prayed many days; A testimony is the spirit of revelation. (Alma 5:45-48) (Search: *DP2, *Testimony)
  • He is calling you; can you hear him? (Alma 5:60)
  • Leaders to “watch over” Church & declare word of God according to “spirit of prophecy…in them.” (Alma 6:1, 8)
  • One thing more important than all – the Redeemer liveth. (Alma 7:7)
  • Atonement – Christ knows us; He suffered for our pains and sicknesses. (Alma 7:11-13) (Search: *Atonement, *DP2, *Sem)
  • Saved & cleansed, repentance & baptism; Christ is mighty to save and cleanse from all unrighteousness. (Alma 7:14) (Search: *Salvation)
  • Be humble, submissive and gentle; Asking for both spiritual and temporal; Always returning thanks unto God. (Alma 7:23-24) (Search: *Humility, *Prayer)
  • Ingratitude amid great blessings brings the punishments of God. (Alma 9:19-23)
  • Christ redeems those who have faith, repent and are baptized; Baptized unto repentance. (Alma 9:27) (Note: Notice the reversed order of “baptized unto repentance.”) (Search: *Baptism)
  • Reap reward of salvation or damnation. (Alma 9:28) (Search: *Reward)            
  • “The guilty taketh the truth to be hard; The wicked angry…” (Alma 9:31-32) (See also 1 Nephi 16:2) (Search: *Guilty, *Wicked)
  • If the majority choose iniquity, they will be ripe for destruction. (Alma 10:19)
  • Why yield to Satan, giving him power to blind your eyes? (Alma 10:25)
  • No unclean to kingdom; Must repent; A person cannot be saved in sin. (Alma 11:37) (Search: *Salvation, *Sin)
  • Salvation to believers only; Christ will take upon him their transgressions and only they will have eternal life. (Alma 11:40) (Search: *Salvation)
  • Spirit and body reunited to its perfect form; Bright recollection of guilt. (Alma 11:43-44) (Search: *Guilt, *Resurrection)
  • Mortal body raised to an immortal body; They can die no more. (Alma 11:45)
  • Don’t harden your heart and you will receive the mysteries of God. (Alma 12:10-11) (Search: *Heart, *Mysteries)
  • Words, works, thoughts condemn us. (Alma 12:14) (Search: *Do, *DP2, *Thoughts, *Works)
  • Life probationary time to prepare to meet God; Space granted to repent; Death and the final judgement. (Alma 12:24, 27) (Search: *DP2, *Probation)
  • God taught man the plan of redemption (salvation) which was prepared from the foundation of the world. (Alma 12:30)
  • Repent & have a claim mercy; Wicked shall not enter to Lord’s rest. (Alma 12:33-35) (Search: *Mercy)
  • A “preparatory redemption” has been made for our callings (when we fall short); Foreordination according to foreknowledge of God; Agency in Pre-earth life. (Alma 13:3-4) (Search: *Agency, *DP2, *Foreordain, *PreExist)
  • Sanctified by the Holy Ghost, having their garments made white; Could not look upon sin save it were with abhorrence; Made pure and entered into the rest of the Lord their God. (Alma 13:12) (Search: *Sin)
  • Wrest (or misuse/misinterpret) the scriptures & be destroyed. (Alma 13:20)
  • What parents feel for their wayward children. (Alma 13:27)
  • Watch & pray continually so you’re not tempted more than you can bare. (Alma 13:28) (Note: This is how to prevent temptations from overcoming you)
  • The value of guilt. (Alma 15:3) (See also 1 Nephi 17:45 & Moroni 9:20)             
  • Many are called to forsake everything for the Gospel. (Alma 15:16) (Note: this “forsaking” may include family & friends)
  • Fasting; Search; teach with power. (Alma 17:2-3, 9) (Search: *Fasting, *Power, *Teach)
  • Pure intent of missionary work – bring them to repentance, know plan of redemption. (Alma 17:16) (Search: *Missionary)
  • No mourning for the loss of the righteous; Raised to dwell at the right hand of God in never-ending happiness. (Alma 20:12) (Search: *Death)
  • Be patient in your sufferings. (Alma 20:29) (Search: *Patience)
  • Our attitude affects others’ attitude. (Alma 21:3)
  • Being led by the Spirit & being blessed by the Lord to bring many to the knowledge of truth. (Alma 21:16-17)
  • Teach with scriptures; Aaron teaches the King the plan of redemption and salvation. (Alma 22:9-12) (Search: *Missionary, *Teach, *Scriptures)
  • “What shall I do? I will give away all my sins to know God.” (Alma 22:15, 18) (Search: *Know, *Sin)
  • You should have a desire is a willingness to bow down before God, repent, call on his name. (Alma 22:16) (Note: Hope and desire are more than wishful thinking) (Search: *Desire, *Hope)
  • Know God, give away sins and bow down before the Lord and cry mightily to save you. (Alma 22:17-18) (Search: *DP2, *Know, *Sins, *Worship)
  • Laid down their weapons of “rebellion.” (Alma 23:7, 13)
  • God has given us a portion of His Spirit to soften our hearts. (Alma 24:8) (Search: *DP2)
  • Murder forgiven: “Oh, how merciful is our God!” (Alma 24:10-11, 15) (See also Alma 39:6) (Search: *Murder)
  • Pacifism? (Alma 24:16)
  • Those who fell away became more hardened; Their state became worse; Harder to return if you have fallen away. (Alma 24:30) (Note: those who have fallen away often can’t seem to leave the church alone… they complain with loud voices) (Search: *Apostacy)
  • Who would have guessed the Lord would give us such great blessings? We are His instruments. (Alma 26:1, 3)
  • Instruments in God’s hands. (Alma 26:3-5) (Search: *Minister)
  • Blessings of those gathered through baptism; They come into the hands of the Lord. (Alma 26:6-7) (Search: *Baptism)
  • Through God we can do miracles. Praise Him & boast of Him. (Alma 26:8, 10-12, 16, 35) (Search: Miracles)
  • Who can glory too much in the Lord. (Alma 26:16)
  • Natural man knows not God; He that repents, exercises faith, brings forth good works, prays without ceasing to him is given to know the mysteries of God, things which have never been revealed. (Alma 26:21-22) (Search: *Mysteries)
  • Missionaries suffer afflictions. (Alma 26:30) (Search: *Missionary, *Suffering)
  • Joy for life, redemption, salvation; Boast in the Lord. (Alma 26:35-37) (Search: *Joy, *Salvation)
  • Did not fear death because of their hope in Christ; Death swallowed up in the victory of Christ. (Alma 27:28) (Search: *Death)
  • What faithful missionaries exp: journeys, sufferings, sorrows, afflictions, incomprehensible joy, reception, safety, and the blessings of the Lord forever. (Alma 28:8) (Search: *Blessings, *Missionary)
  • Sin and Transgression are the cause of inequality in the world. (Alma 28:13)
  • Oh, that I were an angel … and could declare unto every soul … repentance. (Alma 29:1-2, 9) (Search: *DP2, *Missionary)
  • Be content with what God has allotted to you. (Alma 29:3)
  • The glory of being an instrument in God’s hands; Hear gospel in own language. (Alma 29:8) (Search: *Missionary)
  • Commanded to help souls repent; Joy and glory to bring some soul to repentance. (Alma 29:9) (Search: *Missionary)
  • Gospel causes joy in our hearts. (Alma 30:35)
  • Korihor, the anti-Christ, ridicules Alma and denies the existence of God. (Alma 30:38) (Note: Godly answers are clear; Sometimes the answer is clearly “yes” or “no”, but the wicked reverse the answers) (Search: *Prayer, *Wicked)
  • Preaching is more powerful than sword to lead people to good. (Alma 31:5) (Search: *Preach)
  • Pray daily to overcome temptations. (Alma 31:10)
  • Thou hast elected us. (Alma 31:16-18, 28) (Note: Not all faiths/beliefs are equal; LDS versus other faiths)
  • Prayer of the less active. (Alma 31:34)
  • Afflictions humble us so we’re receptive to God’s words. (Alma 32:6)
  • Faith not perfect knowledge; Hope for things that are not seen but true. (Alma 32:21) (Search: *DP1, *Faith, *Sem, *Testimony)
  • God gives his word to men, women and little children through angels. (Alma 32:23) (Note: even little children can receive the word of God) (Search: *Angels, *Word)
  • Faith is not a perfect knowledge; You cannot know of the surety of God’s word at first, but it will become perfect. (Alma 32:26) (Search: *Faith)
  • Experiment starting with a desire to believe; if the seed grows & is nurtured, it is proof of it being good. (Alma 32:27-28) (Search: *Do, *Faith)
  • Specific knowledge (that the seed grew) is perfect and faith is no longer necessary; Proofs that the gospel seed is good:  swells your soul, enlightens, expands your mind. (Alma 32:34) (Search: *Faith, *Proof)
  • How to grow a testimony: nourish, patience, great diligence, hope. (Alma 32:41)
  • God is angry that we don’t understand His mercies He has bestowed upon us because of His son. (Alma 33:13, 16, 23)
  • The great plan of the Eternal God requires an atonement; All are hardened, all are fallen and lost except it be for an atonement. (Alma 34:9) (Search: *Atonement, *DP2)
  • Infinite & Eternal. (Alma 34:10) (See also D&C 19 & Moses 1)
  • Intent of Christ’s sacrifice is to bring about Mercy & to suppress Justice. (Alma 34:15) (Search: *DP2, *Mercy)
  • Bless the poor or you are as “dross” and your prayers are in vain. (Alma 34:28-29)
  • Repent in this life or it’s too late; Same spirit doeth possess your body will possess it in the spirit world. (Alma 34:32-34) (Search: *DP1, *SpiritWorld, *TooLate)
  • Procrastinated repentance to death is too late; The devil seals you as his. (Alma 34:35) (Search: *DP2, *Death, *Repentance, *TooLate)
  • Live in thanksgiving daily for your blessings; Don’t fight the Spirit. (Alma 34:38)
  • Satan rewards you no good thing. (Alma 34:39) (Search: *Satan)
  • Bear your afflictions with patience, for a day of rest surely shall come to you. (Alma 34:41) (Search: *DP1, *Trials)
  • Alma (Jr), racked with torment, extinct, mercy, light; I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind. (Alma 36:2-30) (Search: *Conversion, *DP1)
  • Trust God & be supported in trials. (Alma 36:3)
  • Joy of forgiveness; joy as great as was my pain; remember pains no more. (Alma 36:18-20) (Search: *DP2, *Forgiveness)
  • Trust God & be supported in your trials. (Alma 36:36)
  • Small & simple confound wise and become great. (Alma 37:6-7) (Note: Don’t have to be rich and famous to exercise a great influence) (Search: *Simple)
  • Teach the people an everlasting hatred for sin & iniquity. Never be weary in good works. (Alma 37:32-34)
  • Learn in youth to keep the commandments of God. (Alma 37:35) (Search: *Do, *Sem)
  • Direct thoughts & affections to God; Counsel with God in all things, morning, during day & at night. (Alma 37:36-37) (Search: *Prayers, *Thoughts)
  • Liahona required faith to lead & we must have faith in Christ and His prophets. (Alma 37:38-47)
  • Way is easy; Don’t be sloughful because of the easiness of the way. (Alma 37:46-47) (Search: *Simple)
  • Trust God & be delivered from your trials. (Alma 38:5)
  • Alma (Jr) felt bitter pain and anguish; Cried to Lord for mercy; Received a remission of sins through Jesus Christ. (Alma 38:8-9) (Search: *DP2, *Mercy, *Sins)
  • No boasting. (Alma 38:11) (Search: *NotBoast)
  • Sexual sins next to murder? (Alma 39:2-5) (Note: “… we can ourselves see a difference both in intent and consequence between the offense of a young couple, who being betrothed, in an unguarded moment, without premeditation fall into sin, and that of the man, who having entered into holy places and made sacred covenants, plots to rob the wife of his neighbor or her virtue either by cunning or force and who accomplishes his vile intent.” Joseph F Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 310–11) (Search: *Chastity)
  • Deny Holy Ghost not forgivable; Murder forgiven: “Oh, how merciful is our God!” (Alma 39:6) (Search: *HolyGhost, *Murder)
  •  Repent and forsake your sins, and go no more after the lusts of your eyes. (Alma 39:) (Search: *Chastity, *Repentance, *Sem)
  • Your conduct can make others not believe. (Alma 39:11)
  • The repentant will turn to the Lord and acknowledge their faults & the wrong that they have done. (Alma 39:13) (Search: *Repentance)
  • Seek not after riches nor the vain things of this world; No value in the after-life. (Alma 39:14) (Search: *DP2, *Riches)
  • Righteous to paradise; Wicked to darkness; Spirits of righteous (in the spirit world) rest from cares and troubles. (Alma 40:11-14) (Search: *SpiritWorld)
  • Wicked suffer in spirit world. (Alma 40:13) (Note: Although led by the devil, the wicked are responsible for their own iniquity) (Search: *Devil, *SpiritWorld, *Wicked)
  • Spirit world wicked in darkness, fearfully awaiting; righteous await the resurrection. (Alma 40:14) (Search: *SpiritWorld, *Resurrection)
  • In the resurrection, every limb shall be restored to their proper & perfect frame. (Alma 40:23) (Search: *Resurrection)
  • Plan of restoration is justice to just; Evil to wicked; All judged according to their works. (Alma 41:2-4) (Search: *Do, *DP2, *Resurrection)
  • Do not risk one more offense against your God. (Alma 41:9) (Search: *Offend, *Sin)
  • Wickedness never lasting happiness. (Alma 41:10) (Note: Resurrection doesn’t change a person’s disposition) (Search: *Sem, *Sin, *Wicked)
  • Be merciful and receive mercy. (Alma 41:14-15)
  • Adam in the garden. (Alma 42:5) (Note: If they had partaken of tree of life, they would have had no space for repentance and restoration from sin) (Search: *Adam, *Garden)
  • Plan of happiness includes a temporal death; This earth is a probationary state; Physical death does not destroy the great plan of happiness; Only spiritual death does. (Alma 42:8-10) (Search: *Death, *Plan, *Probation)
  • Atonement to bring about plan of mercy; Happiness and punishment both eternal. (Alma 42:15-16) (Search: *Atonement, *Plan)
  • Mercy claimeth the penitent. (Alma 42:23)
  • Plan prepared before the foundation of world; Salvation & destruction part of plan since mercy cannot rob justice. (Alma 42:25-26) (Search: *Mercy, *Plan)
  • We’re not compelled to come unto Christ & partake of the waters of life. (Alma 42:27)
  • The armor of God. (Alma 43:19-21, 37-38) (Note: How do you wear your armor?)
  • Stratagem in defense ok; Ask prophet where to go to battle. (Alma 43:23-30) (Search: *DP2, *War)
  • Quick to forget and do iniquity. (Alma 46:8) (Note: How quickly do you forget God & return to sin & the ways of evil)
  • One man’s wickedness causes many to sin. (Alma 46:9)
  • The wicked increase by degrees (Alma 47:18) (Note: Poison by degrees)
  • Heart swells in thanksgiving to the Lord. (Alma 48:12)
  • Fortify your life so you’re protected. (Alma 49:4)
  • Peace and Prosperity come because of obedience to God’s commands. (Alma 49:30)
  • The Lord is merciful and just in all His dealings. (Alma 50:19)       
  • Those who keep the commandments are always delivered. (Alma 50:22) (Note: Deliverance in one way or another)
  • Lehi was like Capt. Moroni. (Alma 53:2) (Note: Yet he was an unsung hero)
  • “You’re a child of hell!” Oh yeah? Well “the devil is going to send you to hell.” (Alma 54:11, 22) (Note: Moroni and Ammoron get unkind with each other)
  • 2,000 warriors; They had never fought, yet they did not fear death; They had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver. (Alma 56:47-4) (Search: *War)
  • We can’t ask the Lord to do for us what he has equipped us to do for ourselves. (Alma 60:21)
  • The inward vessel (the heart) must be cleansed before the outer vessel (the actions) can be cleansed. (Alma 60:23)
  • Iniquity causes “love of glory” and love for “the vain things of the world.” (Alma 60:32)
  • Resist evil with your words, but if you can’t resist it with your words, resist it with your swords. (Alma 61:14) The scriptures referred to as “those sacred things.” (Alma 63:1, 11)
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